What is Microblading?


A Make-up solution

Microblading is a make-up solution that creates natural looking beautiful eyebrows. The procedure is semi-permanent and is done within 2-3 hours or so using a handheld microblade. The microblade artist carefully designs the customers eyebrows to fit their face. It is perfect for people who have over plucked or want more definition in their eyebrows.

Essentially microblading is a form of tattooing, created with the use of a manual tool identified as a Microblade. Each hairstroke is carefully drawn on the skin and the end results are perfect natural looking eyebrows.

We also offer Nano Brows which consists of creating the same hairstroke technique by electric machine, while Nano can be preformed on any skin type, Microblading is NOT the ideal technique for oily skin, although the Microblading technique can be preformed on oily skin, there are several factors to consider and should be preformed with a abundance of caution.

Two Appointments

Microblading typically takes two appointments to complete. In the first appointment, the client is profiled and the eyebrows are drawn on with a waterproof pencil, so the artist and client can agree on the look. The artist then microblades the eyebrows and the client is ready to go back into the world. There is some mild flaking of skin and aftercare is required, but your microblading should be completely healed in 30 days.

The second appointment is a touch up at least 30 days after the first session. This allows enough time for the epidermis to naturally slough off, and the color to settle into your skin. In the touch up appointment, the artist can see how your skin has received the ink and make any necessary corrections.

Skin Color

A client’s skin undertones may have unexpected effects on the ink’s color. The artist may need to add color to adjust. These kind of corrections are normal with any microblading artist and an essential part of the process. Everyone’s skin is unique and is affected by the ink differently.